Paul. A - CholBiomeX3
My interest was triggered as I’ve been a Type 1 diabetic for over 40 years and not using any drugs for controlling cholesterol or BP. My GP, at the time, put me on statins about 12 years ago and after a couple of weeks I’d gone from being reasonably fit to struggling to walk any distance. No mention by the GP of statin side-effects so serious panic on my part. Time on Google threw up an article about side-effects of statins describing exactly what I was experiencing. After some further reading the statins were thrown in the bin and I developed a lifestyle built around exercise and diet that has worked for me since. However, despite having well controlled cholesterol levels and never having had elevated BP readings it’s hard work and I would like to indulge in food passions, such as cheese, more frequently than I do. Enter stage left LPLDL.
Bi-annual review last week and I can only describe the results as spectacular and without any change to lifestyle. This stuff really does work and not just for folks with high readings at the outset which is where the marketing thrust has focused. Total cholesterol back down to 4.8 (the NICE target for people with no heart disease risk factors is 5 and for those with risk factors it is 4. I’m more than happy with being under 5 because of the contribution made through diet and exercise). However, what the medic and I were really pleased with was the non-HDL reading. Non-HDL is a recently introduced reading that takes into consideration all bad cholesterols, not just LDL. The target for diabetics is 2.5, previously mine was 2.8, last week it was down to 2.2! Over the moon. BP was static at 110/70.
I have changed nothing with regards to my lifestyle that could have resulted in these improved readings other than to start using CBx3. I cannot recommend this product highly enough no matter what levels of cholesterol or BP you’re trying to improve.
My plan is to continue with CBx3 until my next review in August/September2019 to ensure last week wasn’t an anomaly and then stop until my next review to measure changes.