The Human Microbiome, From Unknown to Mainstream
The human microbiome was first discovered in the mid-1880s when Austrian paediatrician, Theodor Escherich, uncovered the presence of Escherichia coli – a species of bacteria typically found within the stomach and intestines. While the 20th Century saw the identification of multiple microorganisms from nasal passages, oral cavities and skin, it wasn’t until the introduction of the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) in 2007 that microbial science became mainstream.
This five-year international effort capitalised on the decreasing cost of whole genome sequencing technology to uncover the extent to which microbial communities influence the body’s health and vulnerability to disease. The project characterised over 200 different bacterial member species before its completion in 2012.
Today, the intelligence surrounding microbial science has multiplied thanks to the birth of new technologies and increasing scientific capabilities, so much so, the microbiome is now a concept of ever-increasing interest and growth. As our understanding of the body's bacterial communities continues to grow, what health-focused developments have our gut microbiota enabled us to make and why are they so important?
Mental exercise
While it’s a debated area of microbial science, more links are being made between the trillions of gut bacteria and our central nervous system. Researchers have in the last few years uncovered links between gut microbiota and the release of serotonin, GABA and dopamine - a cocktail of neurotransmitters and neuroactive compounds capable of indirectly influencing someone’s mood.
As its commonly understood, a decline in mood results in a whole host of negative behaviours including procrastination, lack of ambition and in some cases anger. Engaging in an active lifestyle is a significant step towards modifying our gut bacteria. After just six weeks of regular exercise, gut microbiota undergoes a transition and produces short-chain fatty acids - such microorganisms are proven to reduce the risks of inflammatory diseases as well as type 2 diabetes, obesity and even heart disease. Therefore, not only is keeping active a fantastic way to diversify your gut microbiome, but it’s also a great way to diversify your lifestyle.
Masters of medicine
From assessing a patient’s suitability for a treatment to measuring how their body responds, micro science is revolutionising the accuracy of medications and their effects on the human body.
A treatment currently harnessesing this science is immunotherapy. By profiling gut microbiota, immunotherapy uses micro science to assess whether patients of cancer and other diseases are in a condition to fully benefit from treatment. Those who are not, receive a microbiome-modifying pre-treatment, formulated according to their gut's microbial population. With such accuracy enabling medical professionals to directly meet a patient’s needs, it’s no wonder that micro science has the potential to revolutionise pharmaceuticals on a global scale.
Get out what you put in
Out of all the body’s microbial communities, the gut microbiota is the most adaptive. However, their very survival is largely dependent upon our dietary choices because certain species thrive off certain nutrients. For instance, Prevotella strains indulge in carbohydrates, while Bacteroidetes have a preference for fats and Candida favour glucose over protein - all of which provide their own set of benefits. A dominant Prevotella population reduces the likelihood of Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) also referred to as prediabetes, just as a healthy diet or the probiotic Lactobacillus prevents the prevalence of Candida – a common cause of fungal infection.
Harnessing the power of Lactobacillus plantarum LPLDL®, this revolutionary probiotic strain provides a holistic, non-pharmaceutical solution to enhance microbial diversity within the gut. Also proven to improve blood lipid profiles and blood pressure with no known side effects, the revolutionary probiotic is screened using sophisticated technology, leaving users confident that its properties have been evaluated to the Nth degree.
The OptiBiotix Online mission is to provide health and well-being focused products that are scientifically supported and offer real evidence-based results. Harnessing the power of the microbiome to improve gut health comes with added benefits such as weight and cholesterol management. OptiBiotix and its products stand out from the crowd by providing real health benefits, supported by both scientific and consumer results.
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